Red Love Drahtbaum Der Kupfer Drahtbaum mit den Korallen Blüten steht auf einem... Price CHF 52.95 Art
Maple Box Maple box with lid.This box can contain jewels for example. But one... Price CHF 45.40 Home & Furniture
Hand painted artisanal boxes These boxes are perfect for storing your tiny trinkets, or just to... Price CHF 30.00 Home & Furniture
Christmas Crib Sculpture Sculpture in paper and reinforced kraft thread - Unique model Price CHF 61.00 Decoration
Scented Candle "Aromatic Flower" Scented Candle "Aromatic Flower"170 gr.Handcrafted in Grasse from... Price CHF 22.00 Beauty & Wellness
Min(n)ie Soap Exfoliating Soap 100% Natural.Ylang Ylang- Raspberry-... Price CHF 15.15 Beauty & Wellness
Honey and Shea Butter Soap Savon Miel et Karité Riche en Miel Bio de la Région Neuchâteloise... Price CHF 17.00 Beauty & Wellness
Savon Naturel Mikey Exfoliating Soap Ylang Ylang- Raspberry- Macadamia100% Natural, 71%... Price CHF 14.00 Beauty & Wellness
Swiss Brown Beer Soap 100% Natural100% Handmade+100 gr.Handcrafted in Locarno... Price CHF 14.90 Beauty & Wellness
Cupcake Scented Candle Cupcake Scented CandleHandcrafted from local vegetable wax and... Price CHF 15.50 Home & Furniture
Scented Candle "Nuit à Deux"... Handcrafted in Grasse from vegetable wax and perfume from Grasse... Price CHF 15.50 Beauty & Wellness
Decal vinyl Sticker "Creedence... Decal vinyl Sticker "Creedence Clearwater Revival". Car, window,... Price CHF 3.25 Drawings & illustrations